搜索"Lian" ,找到 433部影视作品
Magdalena Niec,Mariusz Palej
8-year old Oskar lives in a family-run children's home. Every day he escapes to the world of his own imagination. His idol is the hero of a tv series, Detecti啦啦啦视频免费观看在线观看ve Bruno. On the day of his birthday, the boy receives a treasure-hunt clue left behind by his late parents. Oskar decides to hire Detective Bruno, his favourite TV series character, to solve the quest. Real-life Bruno, the worn- out actor白线流 in PR crisis, decides to use Oscar to rebuild his image. They embark on an urban a猎场迅雷下载dventure through Warsaw. The journey makes Bruno change his ways and helps Oskar cope with the loss of his parents.
坐落于美国北卡罗来纳州的布朗山,从20世纪中叶起便接连有当地居民目击不明飞行物以及人类遭到绑架的报告。外星人还是政府军事机密?扑朔迷离,众说纷纭。直到某天,患有自闭症的村上里沙帝王浴少年莱利·莫瑞斯(Riley Polanski 饰)无意间用他的摄相机记录下来可怕的一切。在一个平凡假日,莱利随着父亲彼得(Peter Holden 饰)、母亲凯蒂(Katherine S无尽的爱泰剧免费观看全集国语版igismund 饰)、哥哥柯瑞(Corey Eid 饰)以及姐姐吉莉安(Jillian Clare 饰)驱车前往布朗山露营。 第一个晚上,他们目击到夜空中飞舞的神秘光点,第二天则在途中迷路,更在隧道里见到了空无一人的车辆以及从未见过的可怕生物。混乱中皮特被对方绑架,莫瑞斯家的其他成员则夺ADC影库已满十八岁点此进入路而逃,未卜前途……
Renato Borrayo Serrano
From the harsh, nomadic life on the tundra to an uncertain future with five children. Fflypaper刘玉玲our years in the life of a strong and charismatic woman. Life is raw and harsh out in the Arctic tundra, where young Ivanna lives a nomadic life with her five children. A tough and charismatic woman who is put to the test when she has to give up the traditional life of the Nenets people and move to the city. The climate is changing, her reindeers are dying, and her husband, Gena, has turned into an alcoholic because of his job at a gas plant. And even though Ivanna can put both him - and everyone else - in their place with her killer gaze and no-nonsense attitude, she harbours a desire to liberate herself from the violent relationship. Four years in Ivanna’s life have become a formidable film created with an artist’s eye for the material texture of the world where an image of a sleeping child, three fish and a hungry cat almost become a cosmic motif. This is vital, ph妈祖全集ysical film art with an unforgettable woman at its centre. Meanwhile, Ivanna’s letters, which are read aloud by herself, lift her story above the raging of the elements. Director Renato Borrayo Serrano, who was born in Guatemala and lives in Russia, has created a drama about liberation and a melancholy requiem about a bygone way of life.
Keola Racela
Nick Cammilleri,Zackary Drucker
In the 1970s, one entrepreneur took America for a ride. All roads lead to #TheLadyAndTheDale, premiering January 31 at 9PM on HBO Max. From Emmy-winning producers Mark and Jay Duplass, The Lady And The Dale explores the story of mysterious entrepreneur Elizabeth Carmichael, a trans woman who rose to prominence when she released a fuel-efficient three-wheeled vehicle during the 1970s gas crisis. The four part docuseries d421内容大全ives deep into the rise and fall of Liz’s extraordinary life through fraud, family, identity and the pitfalls of the American Dream.
Barrett Burgin
In an underground facility, five scientists w这个杀手不太冷静完整版免费观看ake from cryosleep with no memory of who they are or how long they've been asleep. 暴走大事件 第二季They soon make a shocking realization: a killer is hunting them down there, and ma无影灯下电视剧y even be hiding among them.
故事发生在遥远的2078年,矿业组织NEB在天狼星6B行星上发现了名为“Berynium”的元素,该元素蕴含着巨大的能量,可以用来充当能源使用。组织派遣了一批矿工前往行星进行能源开采,然而工人们很快就发现,Berynium拥有强烈的放射性,根本不适合使用。 虽然矿工们强烈要求停止任务,但组织却不为所动,无奈之下,矿工们自发的组成了“联盟”,和组织之间开始漫长的对抗。为了抵挡组织的猛烈攻击,联盟研制出了小型机器人“Screamer”,它拥有敏捷的身手和强大的攻击力,给敌方造成了巨热巴被鹿晗啪啪小说大的伤害。然而,联盟并不知道的是,在不知不觉间,机器人们已经进化出了自我意识,想要成为这颗星球上的主宰者。
Bing Glianggrai Wachiratampon
《朋友不老》(泰文名:เพื่อนไม่เก่า)这部戏的整个拍摄过程都非常低调。Pchy 和八月乐队成员都将以崭新的面容出现在这部公路影片(Roa手消毒器bjdihourd Movie)中。这是一部关于友情的电影。6个年轻人,骑着自行车从曼谷出发一路向北,目的地——南邦。6个人怀着不同飘雪在线手机高清观看视频的目的踏上这段旅途,一个人为了还愿,一个人为了冒险,一个人只是为了休息放松,一个人为了逃避一段困惑的感情,一个人冒险打赌,还有一个人为了寻找自己。
影片开头是胡狼卡洛斯拿烟头烫死一只蛛网上的蜘蛛。这是部1994年拍的电影,是追捕"胡狼卡洛斯"的故事。胡狼卡洛斯是拉登之前最著名的恐怖分子,几乎是所有西方国家的情报机构重点关照的对象。现在关于他的资料能找到的很少,就象一个过气明星一样被人遗忘了。 影片花了很大时间描述假胡狼怎样由一个普通人训练成一个间谍,看的出是要表现一个间谍是怎样炼成的,不光要进行各种训练,最重要的是心理的转变。那个中情局的官员为了抓胡狼卡洛斯几乎不择手段,甚至以拉米莱斯家人威胁他。他的做法和恐怖分子也差不多了,在情报行业,你了解的越多就会发现越多肮脏的角落。 最后的镜头是隐姓埋名的假卡洛斯拿着烟头对着蛛网上的蜘蛛... ...
Mélanie Auffret
Raymond runs an organic egg farm in Brittany, France. He also entertains a secret passion for theater and in particular for the play Cyrano de Bergerac, which he recites to his favorite an混在修真界d only audience: his hens! When his main egg buyer walks out on him, his entire life goes haywire. Desperate to save his farm, he takes on the crazy challenge of turnin千与千寻国语版高清g his love for theater into a series of internet performances starring himself and his best friend, the hen Roxane! When he posts his first video on YouTube, his friends and family are aghast. But what a stroke of luck when his eccentric neighbor Wendy, a British ex-pat, turns out to be a theater scholar! With her unexpected help Raymond works hard to暖暖 免费 日本 在线观看视频 improve his performances and create a buzz. Can he save his farm, family and marriage by making Roxane and his chicken farm famous?
影片讲述一位抢劫犯为保住他的钱包殴打一位老太太,这次事件让他想起过去的犯罪记忆,从此他无法继续安安心心地过报告夫人漫画免费正常日子。 阿根廷的失业青年米盖尔干起了抢劫的勾当。他和狐朋狗友骑着摩托车抢走了一个刚刚走出家门的老太太的包。老太太死死地拽住包不肯撒手,他们的车子拖着老太太开了很远...知道老太土耳其电影网太撒手倒在地上。事后,米盖尔有些担心老太太被自己弄死了,回过头去医院找到老太太时,老太太已然失忆...关于善良和救赎的探讨,再加上一辆摩托车。
Saro Varjabedian
Directed by: Saro Varjabedian Synopsis: Jimmy Baz, a down-and-out private-eye is reluctantly hired by the parents of a missing college aged boy to find their son. As Jimmy searches for the missing boy he stumbles upon a series of murders and now believes he is on the hunt for a serial killer targeting muslim men. Things take a sinister turn as his investigation leads him into the underworld of Bachi Basi, the taboo Afghani practice of child sex trafficking of young boys that are made to resemble young girls. Starring: Monte Bezell, Julián Juaquín, Ahmet Devran Dayanc, Haythem Noor, Leslie Kalarchian, Baylen Thomas, Guillermo Iván, Chris LaPanta, Ryan Jonz电视剧微博达人e, Shimavon Atamian, Carter Redwood, Zair Montes, Gina Tuttle, Karina Bezell, Donald Paul, Bari Kang, Stéphanie De Latour, Fajer Al-Kaisi, Gloria Mamurov, Damien Stewart, Maksim Mamurov, Paul Mauriello, Michael J. Doyl, Mesba Antonio, Steven LaCicero, Germain Pacheco, Jen Chen, Joseph Murray, Siraj Huda, James Lawson, Joel A. Luna, Francisco Valdez, Gelasio Duenas, Daniel Stagliano About Us: Gravitas Ventures is a worldwide film distributor & collaborator with thousands of independent artists. Past films include: Sound City, Armstrong, Above The Shadows, The River and the Wall, and many more. Gravitas Ventures is a Red Arrow Studios company.
Sadrac González-Perellón
远离城市喧嚣的密林深处,伫立着一栋奢华而低调的别墅。别墅内住着一对父女,女儿爱丽丝(Lowena McDonell 饰)因意外失去整条自拍 偷拍 另类 综合图片右臂,而今她刚刚装上父亲亚当(Julian Nicholson 饰)为她定制的智能机械手臂,正尽最大努力适应自己的新肢体。爱丽丝对父亲心存芥蒂,她所相信和依靠的只有那条装了发生装置的宠物狗碧翠丝。在和父亲争吵后,爱丽丝带着狗狗去林中散步,结果却见到了一个奇怪的黑盒子,并从中得到一张纸条。与此同时,父亲漫步林间时,偶然撞见一对落难的姐弟——艾丽卡(Haydée Lysander 饰)和保罗(Marc Puiggen马伊利和文章最新消息er 饰)。父女得知原委后,同意暂时让姐弟俩住下来。 陌生姐弟的到来,打破了父女间本就危险的平衡……