搜索"André" ,找到 954部影视作品
Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capacity tension and adrenaline on trucks, boats and bikes. This spectacularly choreographed total action dynamic thriller plunges into the darkest corners of vicious revenge in gorgeous locations. Luong Đình Dũng makes a 180-degree turn from his two previous films “Father and Son” and “Drowsy City”, to deliver a jaw-droppingly breath-taking spectacle of massive fistfights, vigorous chases, sword duels, sharp wounds, and twisty traps. Non-chronological sentimental flashbacks offer shocking, gripping and plausible motivations for frantic anger, savaged fury, extreme torture, and an unchained desire to kill. Humbly honest truck driver Hung learns that the depression and paranoia of his teenage daughter An was caused by recent kidnapping and molestation. Enraged, the loving father rides to take revenge on creepy psycho paedophile millionaire who is protected by his spoilt and merciless musician son, wretched stubborn henchmen and filthy slutty female bikers. These bastards deserve 成都地震最新消息刚刚2022gritty elimination without 50/50 or #metoo penance, sentiments, guilt or pity. There is something amazing here to witness on the big screen, and expectations for an imminent sequel are high. Vietnam nominated the film for the Oscar for the Best International Film.
本剧的主人公是有着10年经验的资深警员Angie Tribeca(Rashida Jones)。Angie是一头「独狼」,说话太直率,因此很难与人相处。她的顶头上司、严肃认真的老警长Chet Atkins(Jere Burns)要求每名警察都必须有一个搭档,Angie对此颇为反感……但她必须接受,于是她的新搭档(Ha含羞草影视yes Macarthur)来了。 调查组其他成员包括:Monica Scholls医生(Andree Vermeulen)是这个团队中的法医,戴一副眼镜,足智多谋,为人古怪。DJ Tanner警官(Deon Cole)是K-9警犬队的负责人。笔迹鉴定专家Edelweiss博士(Alfred Molina)看起来非常严肃,实际上对各种玩具有着特殊的嗜好。
这是一部带有超自然色彩的青春剧,故事描输赢 下载述一个年轻女人被一个绝密政府组织雇佣参与一项超自然研究。他们将「刺探」最近刚刚死亡的人的大脑,利用他们的记忆来调查悬疑谋杀案,破解各种秘密——如果他们不这么做,那么这些秘密就只能追随死者一起进坟墓了。Emma Ishta扮演女主人公Kirsten Clark,聪明但不善社交,身患一种罕见病症。她没有任何情感,也体会不到「时间的流逝」。她是个计算机高手,拥有非凡的黑客技能。她原本可以拿到计算机科学领域的高级学位……但是她因为公开室友和辅导教授的私情而遇到麻烦。 美国政府看中了她的独特技能,选择她参加一个绝密的政府研究项目。用Kirsten自己的话来说,这个项目就是「入侵死者的大脑,读取他们的记忆」。她对这项看起来很吓人怪侠欧阳德下载的、难以预测的工作应付自如,这连她自己也有些惊讶。 Kyle Harris扮演男主人公Cameron,是从事这项绝密研究的政府秘密组织的首席技术员,也是所有科研人员的管理员。这个研究项目的负责人是Cameron的母亲Maggie,他们不仅在一起工作,还在一起生活。Cameron关心这项研究,关心所有科研人员,但他对母亲选择计算机黑客Kirsten参加这个团队持保留意见。Cameron对工作充满激情,但始终循规蹈矩。Kirsten为了拯救无辜生命时常会做出违反程序和超越职权范围的事情,这让Cameron既好气又好笑。Felix Gomez扮演计算机教授Jerome Smallwood,是教Kirsten学习计算机科学的老师。
Barthélémy Grossmann
The film homes in on 18-year-old Alex who’s been a fan of the Arthur fantasy film series since he was a child. When his close-k百万朵玫瑰nit group of friends surprises him with trip to an abandoned house where the film was shot, they unwittingly walk headlong into a twisted, mortal trap. What was once a childhood dream soon tu4399影视网rns into a very real nightmare...