搜索"Hanno" ,找到 79部影视作品
数年前,艾米莉亚·范宁(艾斯·戴维斯 Essie Davis 饰)和丈夫遭遇一场严重车祸,丈夫不幸在这场意外中身亡。在此之后,艾米莉亚一面在养老院辛勤工作,一面又要照顾年幼的儿子塞缪尔(诺亚·维斯曼 Noah Wiseman 饰)。没有父亲的保护,塞缪尔从小害怕鬼怪,与之相对又表现出极其暴力叛逆的言行举止。带着危险品上学的塞缪尔遭到校方的斥责,艾米莉亚无两个人的视频免费观看高清奈暂时将其托付给克莱尔阿姨照看。 某晚,塞缪尔选了一本从未见过的绘本《巴巴杜先生》作睡前故事,因故事太过诡异恐怖,艾米莉亚中止了阅读,谁知小塞缪尔却仿佛着魔了一般。他声称巴巴杜来到了家里,小家伙的举止越来越离经叛道,而各种可怕的现象也接二连三出现……
兰德尔(凯文•科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)本事美国海岸警卫队的一名出色队员,然而,老猫烧须,一次他执行拯救任务时不仅任务完全失败,还搭进去了五名队友的性命。兰德尔从此一蹶不振。 上司为了帮兰德尔重拾信心,将他派到了培训基地当任教官。在那里,兰德尔遇到了自信狂妄的学员游泳冠军费殊(艾什顿•库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)。费殊的自信活力给了兰德尔重新投入工作的信心。 一次,费殊问兰德尔一共救过多少人,兰德尔告诉他22人;费殊一阵失落,随后问,“在线观看免费直播不是200个吗?”兰德尔斩钉截铁地回答,“我只记得我失去多人!”费殊彻底被兰德尔的勇气与坚毅所折服。两师徒惺惺相惜。 之后,两人一起投入到了一次生死攸关的抢险中……
A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a m暖秋电视剧odern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfriend he left behind, alluring and headstrong Kate Caldwell. Despite having moved on and grown into an independent wo飞虎之壮志英雄 电视剧man, Kate agrees to let him stay while he looks for an apartment and soon enough, the pair falls back into their old patterns, losing themselves in an ardent relationship once more. Yet, as the free-spirited nature of their romance starts to tear down the life Kate has built, she finds herself losing her new identity but unable to let Lee go. Likewise, Lee starts to wonder if the buoyant memories from their past are preventing him from growing up and becoming something more.
Late one night, a mysterious car is brought into the Chic十个医生舔我的下身ago police impound garage after a deadly traffic accident. The on-call mechanics soon discover the car has a mind of its own. With hundreds of horsepower and two tons of reinforced steel at 半妖倾城电视剧its command, it's a se日本樱花服务器黄页emingly unstoppable killing machine capable of outrunning -- and outwitting -- humans.
What if a web cast, LIVE on Halloween, turned out to be a real life survival game? What if the people hunting them are 金瓶玉梅百度在线观看a rogue military? What if all eyes from the around the world are tuned in, and with a short window of time, officials need to find out where this broadcast is taking place? With all of technology taken away from the the young adults to slow down any rescue team from finding them, they find themselves with no weapons to defend themselves. Can they be found in time, as the world watches on?
高中生德里克•卢卡斯( Andrew Seeley 饰)和母亲(Wendy Ander让你离开我的心底son 饰)以及尚就读小学的弟弟托比(Nicholas Elia 饰)搬到了外婆所在的这个小镇。开朗的德里克很快结识了丽莎(Shannon Woodward 饰)等一众好友,并迷上了性感美丽的同校女生克莉斯蒂(Shannon Woodward 饰)。某天,托比被同学哄骗走入捷径,血淋淋的死狗和阴森的老头令他闻风丧胆。见到弟弟惶恐的样子,德里克火冒三丈,他从同学口中得知了小镇的传言,好奇且愤怒的他决心闯入丛林一探究竟……
汉娜·巴洛,Kane Senes
Cecilia莉哥不雅视频 and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the drea莫林传奇m of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s岳潮湿的肥厚李雪梅 weekend a living hell. #triggered
海伦(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是一名犯一一直播罪心理分析师,在多年的工作中,她以其非常出色的推理能力破获了诸多连环凶杀案,在为自己赢得声誉的同时,也遭到了来自恶徒的攻击,之后,受惊的海伦决定足不出户的蜗居在家中,工作和生活皆依靠强大的网络完成。就这样,很多年过去了。 最近,几起相继发生的杀人案件让女警珍妮(霍利·亨特 Holly Hunter 饰)很是头疼,走投无路的她只得向经验丰富的海伦求救。种种线索表明此次的案件和海伦曾经办过的案件有着千丝万缕爱情睡醒了第20集的联系,在珍妮的劝说下,海伦决定站出来找到事件的真相。而踌躇满志的海伦不知道的是,可怕的凶手已经来到了她的身边。
Adam Gierasch
又是一年万圣节到来,青年男女涌上街头,纵情娱乐,狂魔乱舞。妖冶女孩安吉拉(香奈儿·伊丽莎白 Shannon Elizabeth 饰)通过邮件通知大家参加万两个人电影在线观看圣节派对,举办地就设在布鲁萨尔德庄园,麦迪·柯迪斯(莫妮卡·金娜 Monica Keena 饰)、莉莉(迪奥拉·贝尔德 Diora Baird 饰)、苏珊娜(波比·苏·卢瑟 Bobbi Sue Luther 饰)等女够影厅影视孩应邀前往。该庄园曾经发生过恐怖的事件,前主人刘易斯(Michael Arata 饰)的太太伊凡杰琳(Tatyana Kanavka 饰)吊颈自杀,血溅满地,这个传说恰好在万圣节吸引了无数寻求刺激的时尚男女。然而就在派对最高潮时,恐怖事件接连发生,似乎青年们的欢声笑语搅扰了这座房子里沉睡的恶灵…… 本片翻拍自1988年的同名作品。
本片根据真人真事改编。Bobby(瑞恩·凯利 Ryan Kelley 饰)是一个善良、虔诚的少年,有爱他的家人。蜘蛛侠3英雄无归在线观看免费完整版但在他向家人坦白自己的性倾向后一切改变了。母亲Mary(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)认为同性恋会下地狱的训诫,想尽办法矫正儿子。而Bobby的痛苦与日俱增。在满20岁生日前Bobby认识了开朗青年David,可Mary拒绝接受,并以有一个同性恋儿子为耻。Bobby伤心的离开家最后选择死亡来结束内心的折磨。他的死彻底唤醒了家人,尤太极二其是Mary,她在无尽的悔恨中开始接触同性恋人群,参加PFLAG小组,与神职人员探讨圣经解释。在翻阅儿子的日记后,她开始直面自己认同儿子。失去儿子的母亲在倾盆大雨中失声痛哭,雨水和泪水将固执、偏见和不理解洗刷得一干二净。Mary此后将毕生投入到同志维权事业中,帮助那些和Bobby一样的少年。
Alexander Hanno
A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern rela1号游戏tionship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfriend he left behind, alluring and headstrong Kate Caldwell. Despite having moved on and grown into an independent woman, Kate agrees to let him stay while he looks for an apartment and soon enough, the pair falls back into their old patterns, losing themselves in an ardent relationship once more. Yet, as the free-spirited nature of their romance starts to tear down the life Kate has built, she finds herself losing her new identity but unable to let Lee go. Likewise, Lee starts to wonder if the buoyant memories from th水浒笑传2eir past are preventing him from growing up and becoming something more.
Gregory Dark
A police offi回复术士的重启人生观看cer videotapes his wife having various sexual encounters to spruce up their marriage, wh久草免费资源站五ich soon lands both of them in hot water with a mobster whom blackmails them to videotape an encounter with a crooked politicia非会员试看一分钟做受小视频n.
汉娜·巴洛,Kane Senes
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything com凤凰牡丹电视剧全集e between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first 谢贤的电视剧time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
Teddy Grennan
When a nature photographer expl最近更新2019中文字幕ains to the Police how she fought her way out of the Watchatoomy2012电影免费版完整版观看 Valley, they dismiss her crazed and violent story as a meth-induced nightmare. But when the什么叫做黄页y discover that she's telling the truth, it's too late.
安德鲁 史蒂文斯
Overall, this is a banal story of revenge, in which as the Black Mamba Shannon Tweed - famous actress erotic genre in second-rate American films early and mid-90s. Actually, for t我的好妈妈5无删减在线观看he sake of her adventures, and its only worth watching. In the tape she manages to seduce the whole family: the father, the mother, and, most interesting of their young son. Intimate scenes average frankness with nudity, but not pornography, with continuous background music, but also with the "original" actor dubbing Ohoven poisonous substances and so on. In general, leave a good impression. Director of the Scorned, Andrew Stevens, once played in a movie Massacre at Central High, made in 1976.