搜索"Ed" ,找到 2871部影视作品
罗伯特·肯纳,Melissa Robledo
Turbo chickens, plant-based steaks and a pandemic. A lot has happened since the first 'Food Inc.' film, and it's time for a fresh in-depth look at the food industry and at possible solutions. Organic food is taking up more and more space on supermarket shelves and local vegetable markets are popping up in more and more neighbourhoods. But there are also more and more people on the planet, and 15 years after the Oscar-nominated mega hit ‘Food Inc.’, it turns out that the modern food industry still needs a thorough overhaul. This is exactly what we get here, and you don’t need to have seen the first film to understand just what an incredible impact agriculture and the food industry has not only on what we eat, but on the world arou飞燕惊龙在线观看nd us. Directing duo Melissa Robledo and Robert Kenner uncover everything from monopolisation, lobbying and the logic of capitalism to what exactly happens in your brain when you eat a McDonald’s burger. But they also look at possible solutions and what the kitchen of the future might look like.
凯文·多诺万,Gottfried Roodt
Gracie and Pedro are family pets with nothing in common. Gracie is a snobby, purebred pooch who considers herself "Best in Show", while Pedro is a brazen, rescue cat, preferring his dinner fresh from the trash. After the family undertakes a big move, Gracie and Pedro's brawling destroys the airport baggage carousel, leaving the pets lost and stranded without their collars in a frightening and unknown world. What lies between the pets and reunification with their fa喜剧电影在线观看mily is a daunting quest, packed with colorful characters and perilous adventures that forces Gracie and Pedro to accept what they have in common -- they won't quit on family. Meanwhile, Sophie and Gavin, the family kids, are not giving up on them either, posting a song about their lost pets which just happens to go viral. This raucous family film will be a reminder that friendship is not only life's greatest reward, but also its most awesome adventure.
In Sarajevo, a teenager seeking validation reveals that she had sex for the first time during a game of 'truth or dare' a斗破苍穹电视剧上映mong middle schoolers. Trapped in her own lie, she invents a pregnancy and becomes the center of a controversy that spirals out of control.
y80 聚焦里约热内卢贫民区的残酷故事,“魔鬼也会叹息着转身的地方”。这部新的剧集继续由电影版导演费尔南多·梅里尔斯打造,他透露:电影讲的是当地社区的缺陷,剧版则将讲述这些社区的力量。
BATHORY的创始人之一鼓手 Jonas Åkerlund 将执导一部英文电影《 Lords Of Chaos》,影片以90年代初期挪威黑暗金属圈为背景,基于真实事件,讲述一群少年因失控致使梦想变为梦魇。 Åkerlund主要从事电影、音乐视频制作。他为麦当娜制作的MV获得了格莱美最佳音乐视频奖。
&n唐人街探案3 百度网盘bsp;
&nb668kksp; A teenager's quest to launch Norwegian Black Metal in Oslo in the 1980s results in a very viole七美德nt outcome.
安德鲁·库瑞,Andrew Currie
“THE INVISIBLES” is a visually stunning story about an alternate dimension that exists in the same time and space as our own. Charlie (Tim Blake Nelson) and Hanna (Lucy Liu) are in crisis and facing the end of their marriage, when Charlie literally starts to di乡村爱情12免费观看sappear. As he fades from the world, he discovers a new world of INVISIBLES; people who have disappeared just like him and who now exist in an alternate reality that shares the same physical space as the r喜爱夜蒲2 电影eal world, but have no ability to impact it. Invisibility offers Charlie many benefits. Money is no longer required, there are limitless opportunities to eat and drink anything and everything where and when he wants and being invisible he gets to behave however he likes. But better than that, he lives in a place where emotional pain and personal trauma are now forgotten. Yet Charlie keeps being drawn back to his old life, visiting 千军问道his wife Hanna even though she no longer sees him. As he starts to see their marriage from her point of view and face the tragic loss of their six-year-old son, he soon realises that he must fight to return to reality, and learns that living in the present and looking to the future is the key to life.
红军战士苏哈夫连续几年在俄罗斯内战中奋勇作战,立下了赫赫战功。就在他要回家的路上,却阴差阳错地被要求护卫一群土匪头子(阿卜杜拉)的妻妾。原来,红军when i was 10 years old正在追击阿卜杜拉,阿卜杜拉嫌妻1号游戏妾们碍事就把她们扔下了。苏哈夫眼前是一群美貌的东方女性,心里却思念着妻子,归心似箭……一部70年代的电影,歌颂了那个时代的英雄主义,却又不失幽默。
恍如希腊神话代达罗斯的迷宫,别出心裁的螺2020版 鹿鼎记 旋形设计时装表演,令升任高级时装品牌艺术总监的艾利斯,继承大师成为巴黎时尚界新宠。弃绝过去一切,自我孤立另创新天,但当父亲死讯倏然传来,他不得不返回魁北克故居处理后事,不料发现令人震惊的秘密。害怕天之骄子蜡造翅膀被溶掉妖精的尾巴中文网,他唯有承传父亲罪孽,直坠无间地狱。延续《监护权争战》对父权暗黑暴力的探索,勒格朗混合新黑色、惊栗、悬疑等类型,层层旋入男性心理黑洞,撰成现代悲剧神话。&鬼吹灯之黄皮子坟电影lt;/p>
Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when斗罗大陆之邪神传承 they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find her and gather her sprawling family, the film progressively descends into a realm where time and space lose their grip, transforming the family portrait into a solemn and enigmatic ritual of transition. Director's Note: Family photographs, according to Roland Barthes, are a desperate means to freeze time and immortalize the family. However, what the family doesn’t realize yet is that, as they smile and pose for the picture, they have already died. 源自:https://www.locarnofestival.ch/festival/program/film.html?fid=e3a878c3-ae17-4570-9736-2c37b917128a
Curtis Crawford
Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever since she sustained a head injury during a cheerleading stunt the previous year, she's suffered from a disorder that causes her to fly into uncontrollable, sometimes violent rages. As hard as she tries to keep it 欧美2019高清hdtogether, she finds herself in danger of jeopardizing her seemingly perfect life. It isn't until Brooke meets Jake, a handsome and charismatic str帝国指婚指南anger, that she feels like she's found someone who not only understands her, but accepts her for who she is. As tempting as it is to get swept up in the romance, she can't help but feel like something in their relationship isn't quite right. When her best friend is brutally murdered, Brooke has no choice but to depend on her new love...especially because she's worried that she might be the killer.