搜索"Illi" ,找到 1007部影视作品
William Lustig,Joel Soisson
A female cop is gunned down and wrongly accused of using e两个人免费视频观看高清下载xcessive force in a hostage rescue attempt. Maniac cop returns from the dead once more to seek李天一搞过梦鸽吗 revenge, destroying everthing and anyone that stands in his way.
Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder aboard a floating casino. Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship. After a murder occurs, suspicion falls on Phil Brant, who had argued with the victim earlier in the evening. But when shots are fired outside his own apartment, Nick begins to investigate, and he soon finds himself in a confusing case with numerous suspects. Nick and Nora Charles were the ultimate screen couple, husband and wife detectives, always in step and never missing an opportunity to outwit one another as they solved each crime, which they did just in time for the movie's ending. Myrn国庆阅兵2020a Loy was a fantastic Nora, the ideal wife and considering she made 14 movies with William Powell, she made it look like they were really married. The Thin Man movies, all six of them, played more like sophisticated screwball comedies than murder mysteries, and their comic banter enhanced the proceedings. Their little wire-haired terrier, Asta, quite often stole the scene as he helped sleuth out the guilty party. He was a great little actor and rumor had it that away from the Thin Man movies, Asta was really Skippy. However, the six Thin Man movies credit this cute pooch as &打赌输了答应任何条件;quot;Asta."
Henry Koster
Dear Brigitte is one of the funniest comedies from the 1960s, about a tone-deaf, color-blind boy genius with one interest: Brigitte Bardot. James Stewart plays professor Robert Leaf, a typical college professor (when speaking of college professors typical means liberal, but this was 40 years ago and labels change). Leaf teaches poetry, lives in a houseboat in San Francisco, vocally opposes nuclear power and progress in general. He has an original way to make 爱情不ng 电影the family stick together - family concerts. His daughter calls him square. Leaf's 8-year old son Erasmus is played by Billy Mumy (Sammy the Way Out Seal, Lost In Space, Bless The Beasts & Children, Three Wishes). Leaf hopes to find artistic genius of some sort in his only son, and nurtures him in music, painting, literature, etc. But Leaf is disappointed, to put it mildly, when it turns out Erasmus has a gift for math, can out-think the colleges newest computer, instantly compute horse-race winners. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but Erasmus had been writing to Bardot regularly, and after the family comes to depend on his ability, his love-sickness causes a mental block. Glynis Johns (Father's Delicate Condition, The Cabinet of Caligari, Mary Poppins) plays Leaf's wife. Ed Wynn (Requiem For A Heavyweight, Mary Poppins) is a neighbor / captain / narrator. Other cast include Fabian, Cindy Carol, John Williams, Jesse White, Jack Kruschen, and James Brolin in an early bit part. Brigitte Bardot appears at the end.
Phil Nibbelink,Simon Wells
Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the电影2012下载 one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan. Unaware of this, the Mousekewitz's begin their journey west, while their true cat fkkkrrrriend, Tiger, follows intent on following his girlfriend gone in the same direction.
希德姐妹帮是学校里的一个少女组织,维罗妮卡(薇诺娜•瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)与另几名成员跟随头领希德(莎侬•多赫提 Shannen Doherty 饰)一起捉弄同学,排解无聊的校园生活。不久,维罗妮卡的注意力被玩世不恭又胆大妄为正青春在线全集免费观看完整版英俊男生杰森•迪恩(克里斯汀•史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)所吸引,渐渐在心理上疏远希德,并很快发展到决裂的地步。 杰森爱情公寓3在线观看帮维罗妮卡设计整治希德,不料造成对方身亡,二人伪造了希德自杀的假象,事后居然蒙混过关,这对情侣杀人后一发不可收拾,用相同的手法继续犯案,而且杰森身上的毁灭性愈发突出,渐渐对维罗妮卡也造成了威胁……
Marc Levin
Slam,大致可以翻译成“诗喃”,对大多数人来说或许是一个陌生的名词。这是一场艺术运动,起源于1986年,美国诗人Marc Smith希望能让诗从精英主义的高阁走下来,让诗歌的阅读更普及并且更加有趣,诗喃由明天依然爱你此诞生。诗喃创作者不需要考虑统一的格律,只需要根据自己对生活的观察和感悟用他们喜欢的文字和风格表达出来,这一种超越,让诗喃本身承载着自由、开放、平等、分享的意味。 如何进入这个自由狂放又诗意的世界?导演Marc Levin在《Slam》这部作品中,从黑人街头文化、帮派文化、说唱文化(注:诗喃不是说唱,而是比说唱更自由的形式),进行切入,讲述了一个通过自我思考和自由表达,最终达至自我发现、自我救赎的故事。通过镜头,我们将与男主人公一起,走过黑人街区、监狱、城市街头、诗喃大会,在命运面前求索,一步步走近生活与内心的真实,并以此为源,化为蓬勃而真挚的诗喃。 诗喃的表演形式非常纯粹,没有服饰、没有布景、没有音乐,整个过程仅靠诗喃者的声音与肢体语言进行表达。舞台、诗喃者、观众三个元素即构成了这个简单、自由、原生的场域,乃至于,当诗喃的精神深入骨髓,连日常的对话,都可以化律动的诗喃,绽放出语言美妙的流动性。而随着影片的深入,相信你会在最后的演绎中,感受到诗喃者的自我挖大西瓜影院掘诚挚脆弱如赤裸婴儿,诗喃者的情感澎湃汹涌野生如荒岛巨浪。那是简单如一、一即是全的彻底的生命表达。
也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。 死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的四房播播看家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (克莱尔•馥兰妮 Claire Forlani饰),品林志炫老婆尝到人世间爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。
美国阿巴拉契亚山脉的查图嘎国家公园岩洞群,朱诺(Natalie Jackson Mendoza 饰)、莎拉(Shauna Macdonald 饰)一行六人在此经历了一生中最恐怖的时刻,最终只有莎拉一人侥幸逃生。在此之后,警方派出大批搜救人员进山寻找遇难者的尸体以及可能的幸存者,但是最终却一无所获。女警官萝丝(Krysten Cummings 饰)负责询问莎拉失踪事件的始末,但是莎拉对过往发生的事情没有任何记忆。为了寻找幸存者和事实真相,萝丝带着莎拉再次来到岩洞群,并在此与搜救人员凯西(Anna Sk玉浦团ellern 饰)和格雷格(Joshua Dallas 饰)等碰头。他们从废弃的矿井口进入岩洞,不久便发现贝丝等人的尸体。搜救人员意识到这不是简单的失踪事件,与此同时危险正向他们悄悄逼近……
迈尔斯(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)本是一间食品店的店主,在去医院看病的过程中意外遭到了冷冻,这一冻就是两百年。两百年后,迈尔斯从沉睡中苏醒,世界早已经发生了翻天1分11秒视频覆地的变化,残暴集权的统治者巨细靡遗的控制着他的人民生老病死,而“横空出世”的迈尔斯显然成为了这个社会中的极为不安定的因素。 就这样,迈只有神知道的世界第三季op尔斯成为了头号通缉犯,遭到了警察的追捕,踏上了逃亡的旅途。在此过程中,他乔装打扮成为了机器人,混入了名为露娜(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)的女子的家中,见识了她荒谬的生活。之后,身份败露的迈尔斯绑架了露娜,两人却在之后的相嗯啊好涨再快点一起上处中深深的相互吸引,最终,迈尔斯还是被捉拿归案,而露娜则在误打误撞之中遇见了反叛军的领袖,加入了起义的队伍之中。
为全身心投入创作,美丽迷人的作家珍妮弗(莎拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)驱车来到一个偏僻乡间撰写小说。她的绰约身子在当地俨然一道靓丽乃至刺眼的风景,自然吸引了许多人的注意和妄念。她闲适恬淡的心情并未持续多久,似乎总有无数双眼睛在背后紧紧注视着她。某晚,与广州cos珍妮弗有过一面之缘的加油站工人乔尼(杰夫·布兰森 Jeff Branson 饰)带双狙人1领伙伴们闯入她的房间,虽然她奋力反抗,但在这片法外之地,她仍无法逃脱被侮辱的命运,更遭到无数的虐待。这些禽兽般的男人没有想到,他们的恶行致令珍妮弗化身为残酷无情的复仇女神…… 本片翻拍自1978年的同名经典恐怖片。
奥尔良监狱里新来了两个“无辜”的罪犯:Zack(汤姆·威兹 Tom Waits 饰)和Jack(约翰·劳瑞 John Lurie 饰)。Zack是一个DJ,被女友抛弃后在街上浪荡的他接受了一个朋友的工作:把一辆车开到一个地方,路上他却被警察拦了下来随后在车后座发现了一具尸体;而Jack则被一个老朋友所说服,去见一个年轻貌美的妓女,就在他准备享受一番之时,警察破门而入将他带走。不久,监狱里又来了一个意大利杀人犯Bob(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰)。三人在一间牢房里闹了不少笑话。百无聊赖的他们计划逃狱,竟然成功了。三人艰辛走过沼泽地,穿过树林,来到了一个意大利女人Nicoletta(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 Nicoletta Braschi 饰演)住的小屋。Bob和2828手机福利院Nicoletta两个意大利人沉浸在爱河中,最后只剩下Jack和Zack继续上路,而他们两人又将在面对岔路口时走向何方...... 本片由美国独立电影导演吉姆·贾木许Jim Jarmusch执导,为一部黑白电影,参加了1986年的戛纳电影节。