搜索"爱" ,找到 9348部影视作品
When song-and-dance man Harry Van returns from World War I, he finds work hard to come by. His greatest success comes as straight man in a phony vaudeville mind-reading act with the tipsy Madame Zulieka. While on tour in Omaha he meets acrobat Irene Fellara, and they have a brief romance. Twenty years later while Harry is on tour in Europe with a troupe of leggy blonde dancers, his train is stopped at the Swiss border and he finds himself stranded in the Alps in anticipation of World War II hostilities. Harry and his chorines take refuge in an Alpine hotel with a group of disparate travelers who are also marooned there. Among them are an American pacifist, British newlyweds, a cancer researcher, a German munitions manufacturer, and a beautiful blonde expatriate Russian aristocrat who looks suspiciously like the Irene of two decades earlier.
Bradley Kaplan,阿尔伯特·梅索斯
On the morning of September 11, 2001, Paul McCartney was in New York City on an airport runway waiting to fly to Britain. As he absorbed the news of the unfolding tragedy, he wondered, “What can I do?” The answer, of course, lay in music. McCartney reached out to master documentarian and long-time friend Albert Maysles, inviting Maysles to document his personal experiences on 16mm black and white film, a format seldom used in the digital age but of proven endurance and artistic quality. Over several weeks in October 2001, Maysles’ camera followed McCartney as he prepared for The Concert for New York City, a benefit he helped organize to uplift New York City during this period of uncertainty and vulnerability. The footage went unseen for years, requiring the passage of time to be put in perspective. Now, ten years later, Maysles, his directing partner Bradley Kaplan and editor Ian Markiewicz have emerged with an intimate work that explores the role of art and artists in a time of crisis.
明朝洪武年间,良材县农官陈忠之女陈细妹(郑希怡 饰)继承了亡父的遗志,从小便有锄强扶弱之心,义字当头,成为良材县人见人爱的女护农。大利米店老板谢苍天(夏雨 饰)为感激圣上御赐九龙白玉碗,而将其子取名为谢皇上(马浚伟 饰)。谢皇上文采风流,自恃聪明绝顶,势要成为良材县为民请命的好官。谢苍天虽唯利是图,但为圆其子心愿,不惜重金捐官,让谢皇上当上了农官,还聘请了发誓不说话的师爷戴从文(黎耀祥 饰)和几名恶衙差给他。戴从文才高八斗,料事如神。在他的帮助下,谢皇上屡破奇案,两人惺惺相惜,合作默契,关系更为密切。此后,谢皇上接受戴从文的建议消解了与陈细妹的误会,并聘请她作为女护农。
少年高哲(刘松仁 饰)的父母死于一栋工厂大厦的一次火灾,痛不欲生的他无意中得知原来此次火灾乃城中巨富赵经琛为了低价买下该栋大厦再进行改建的一个阴谋。高哲苦无证据诉诸法律无望后,决定自己代替警察惩治赵经琛。最终赵经琛在高哲的枪口下痛哭流涕,发誓改过,从此以后他果然成了一个乐善好施的大好人。高哲从此找到了自己人生的道路,那就是将恶人们都不义之财劫回来,捐赠给所有有需要的人。 高哲救了或收留了一班落难的技术精英,包括潜入学校系统偷试卷而被开除的表弟BT(李思捷 饰)、神枪手小明星长脚蟹、开锁高手Keyman和车神姣佬。他们组成了一个行动小组,屡屡得手。正直神勇的干探江扬(马德钟 饰)因调查5年前他师傅被匪徒枪击致死一案而追踪到了高哲身上,虽被江扬率领的一宗警察纠缠,但高哲对他的为人和行事十分欣赏。于此同时,赵经琛的儿子赵君豪亦是一个专门走歪道赚钱的奸商,高哲和他展开了一系列斗志斗勇的争斗!
少年高哲(刘松仁 饰)的父母死于一栋工厂大厦的一次火灾,痛不欲生的他无意中得知原来此次火灾乃城中巨富赵经琛为了低价买下该栋大厦再进行改建的一个阴谋。高哲苦无证据诉诸法律无望后,决定自己代替警察惩治赵经琛。最终赵经琛在高哲的枪口下痛哭流涕,发誓改过,从此以后他果然成了一个乐善好施的大好人。高哲从此找到了自己人生的道路,那就是将恶人们都不义之财劫回来,捐赠给所有有需要的人。 高哲救了或收留了一班落难的技术精英,包括潜入学校系统偷试卷而被开除的表弟BT(李思捷 饰)、神枪手小明星长脚蟹、开锁高手Keyman和车神姣佬。他们组成了一个行动小组,屡屡得手。正直神勇的干探江扬(马德钟 饰)因调查5年前他师傅被匪徒枪击致死一案而追踪到了高哲身上,虽被江扬率领的一宗警察纠缠,但高哲对他的为人和行事十分欣赏。于此同时,赵经琛的儿子赵君豪亦是一个专门走歪道赚钱的奸商,高哲和他展开了一系列斗志斗勇的争斗!
克莱丽(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)年轻貌美又独具才华,一次偶然中,她和名为克里夫(帕斯卡·格里高利 Pascal Greggory 饰)的男子相遇了,克里夫醉心于克莱丽独特的气质之中,而克莱丽亦爱上了克里夫,两人很快走到了一起,准备踏入婚姻的殿堂。 两个人免费视频完整版
就在这剪刀手爱德华在线观看个节骨眼上,一个名叫莫内(吉约姆·卡内 Guillaume Canet 饰)的摄影师闯入了克莱丽的生活之中。和温文尔雅的克里夫不同,莫内粗鲁有不羁,然而,正是这份狂野深深地吸引了克莱丽。一边是许下了神圣誓言后结为连理的丈夫,一边是不断抗拒但又情不自禁想要靠近的情人,夹在两人之间不知该如何选择的克莱丽终于感受到了生命之重与爱情之苦。