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表面上,罗伊(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)和迈拉(安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening 饰)是一对恩爱的情侣,但实际上,他们的真实身份是职业骗子。混迹江湖多年,罗伊和迈拉从未失手。罗伊的母亲莉莉(安杰丽卡·休斯顿 Anjelica Huston 饰)也是绝命岭中文字幕一个骗术高超的“专业选手”,看着儿子一步一步的走上了自己当年的道路,她的心情十分复杂。 迈拉希望能够和罗伊联手一笔票大买卖,却被罗伊拒绝,愤怒的迈拉盯上了莉莉,并在黑老大博博(帕特·亨格尔 Pat Hingle 饰)面前揭穿了莉莉的骗术。无奈之异人族第一季下,莉莉只得带着骗来的巨额金钱踏上了逃亡之路。迈拉死了,直觉告诉罗伊这一定是母亲所为,他找到了东躲西藏的莉莉,希望她能够改邪归正投案自首。
The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC. Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape. Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare. Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself. But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC. Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape. Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare. Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself. But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
刚刚遭受丧子之痛的家庭主妇凯伦(波迪尔·约根森 Bodil Jørgensen饰),敏感脆弱。她失魂落魄的游荡在哥本哈根的街头,在餐厅进餐时偶遇一位紧握她手不放的白痴。出于同情心,凯伦一路跟随他,目睹了一群终日装疯卖傻的“白痴们”。其实这群年轻男女并非是真正的弱智者,他们是以史托佛(杨斯·艾宾纳斯 Jens Albinus饰)为首佯装白痴的正常人。为了向中产阶级体制挑战,他们不顾舆论压力,以欺骗他人、玩弄他人为乐。凯伦一方面无法彻底成为“白痴”,一方面又对他们的行径梦寐以求。渐渐地,凯伦开始在她的家人面前扮演起了白痴,深陷其中不能自拔。本片入围1998年第51届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元-金棕榈奖。这部以“道格玛95”为电影拍摄准则的影片,不仅在拍摄手法上完全不顾画面的美感,更是继《感官世界》后又一部大量暴露性器官镜头的影片,极度挑战着电检制度和观众的道德尺度。《白痴》与《破浪而出》、《黑暗中的舞者》合称“良心三部曲”。
经常沉醉在漫画世界中的酒吧侍应生阿星(周星驰 饰)很崇拜黑社会人物,机缘巧合,他被黑帮老大韦杰(杨群 饰)收为手下,并与其义子阿俊(林俊贤 饰)成为莫逆之交,两人同韦杰另一手下朱标(成奎安 饰)搭档tvb云播放粤语做事时配合无间建了许多奇功,以致韦杰打算退休之前从手下众人中找一接班人时,三人成为首选。 三人被 派赴泰国金三角进行毒品交易,不想中途生出诸多波折,好不容易完butcher什么意思成任务回到香港后,朱标遭人杀害,阿星被疑为凶手不得不藏匿起,阿俊虽相信他是清白却也无计可施。某日阿星电话约出阿俊见面,不想一名杀手尾随而至。
该剧由本·门德尔森主演,聚焦一个11岁男孩被强奸、杀害和分尸的惨案,看似直白的案情却生出疑窦,超自然力量作怪: 俄克拉何马州小城弗林特,警探Ralph Anderson当着一群人的面逮捕了很受欢迎的老师兼少年棒球联赛教练Terry Maitland,指控他奸杀了一个男孩,并将其分尸。Maitland坚称自己无辜,但Anderson有目击者和确凿的证据(DNA和指纹)证明他有罪。 地方检察官告诉Anderson,要打破Maitland的不在场证明,把一场本来会是旷日持久的法庭斗争变成情节一目了然的直白案件。而Anderson却意外发现:不仅有多名目击证人声称当凶杀案发生时Maitland并不在城里,安全录像也证实了这一点。 在私家侦探Holly Gibney(金另一本小说《梅赛德斯先生》的角色)的帮助下,Anderson开始深入调查此案,线索指引两人来到了德克萨斯州的玛丽斯维尔镇,并得到墨西哥裔警官Yune Sablo、居住在拉丁裔为主小镇上的白人女性Lovie Ann Bolton协助。他们发现面临着一个真正的怪物的威胁……小说前半段风格为警察办案,后半段恐怖、超自然元素加剧。
La Maison will take a behind-the-curtain look at how a family dynasty of an iconic fashion house is thrown into scandal and reinvention by a viral video featuring star designer Vincent LeDu, leaving his family’s legendary haute couture house hanging by a thread. Perle Foster, Vincent’s former muse who is still in his shadow, teams up with next-generation, visionary designer Paloma Castel to save and recreate the century-old Maison LEDU, claiming their rightful place i忠奸人 电视剧n both the LeDu family and the fashion world.
La Maison will take a behind-the-curtain look at how a family dynasty of an iconic fashion house is thrown into scandal and reinvention by a viral video featuring star designer V青柠影视免费高清在线观看incent LeDu, leaving his family’s legendary haute couture house hanging by a thread. Perle Foster, Vincent’s former muse who is still in his shadow, teams up with next-generation, visionary designer Paloma Castel to save and recreate the century-old Maison LEDU, claiming their rightful p生化危机 启示录lace in both the LeDu family and the fashion world.