搜索"Alphonse" ,找到 3部影视作品
After a short split prologue showing riches as the root of evil in ancient and modern times, the film settles into 1914 France, where the Orient Express is about to be wrecked when a bridge washes out. Among those on board are Al and Travis, Americans who are traveling Europe spending Travis' money, and Marie, a German girl. The boys save Marie after the wreck and Travis falls in love with her. When World War I breaks out Al wants to enlist, but Travis can't, feeling loyal to Marie, a German. By 1917 Al has enlisted, and Travis follows him shortly after marrying Marie. Accused of being a German spy by a Russian agent, she is sentenced to die but is recognized by Travis, who is part of the firing squad. The town they are in is shelled and they are all trapped underground, during which a minister makes a lengthy parallel to ancient times when the King of Akkad persecuted his subjects and defied Jehovah, who finally sends a flood to wipe out mankind, except for Noah and his family, whom he has instructed to build an ark and fill it with two of every creature on earth.
Alphonse Puthren
《好时光,坏时光》是一部2013年印度黑色喜剧惊悚电影,由阿尔方斯·普斯伦编剧、导演和剪辑,这是他的导演处女作。它同时用马拉雅拉姆语和泰米尔语制作。这是他于2009年执爱 百度影音导的同名短片的加长版。整部电影以钦奈的一天为背景。马拉雅拉姆语版本于2013年5月10日发布,泰米尔语版本于一周 后于2013年5月17日发布。 该片讲述了马修(泰米尔语版本为维特)和吉娜(泰米尔语版本为维尼)的生活。马修/维特是一名计算机工程专业毕业生,但失业了。他现在的生活有点复杂,因为他从一个人看的视频观看免费观看一个名叫维塔·拉吉的私人放债人那里借了一笔贷款,但由于没有收入而无法偿还这笔贷款。吉娜/维尼的父亲否认她与马修/维特里的婚姻,因为他失业了。吉娜/维尼决定与马修/维特里私奔,他的朋友约翰给了他钱来偿还拉贾的债务。在途中,吉娜/维尼的链子被抢,马修/维特里的钱被盗。拉吉打电话给马修/维特,要求他在下午5我叫金三顺下载点内结清款项。这个年轻人能否及时逃离高利贷的魔掌?
Garrett Batty
1989年,西非利比里亚爆发了一场残酷的内战,天涯明月刀 百度影音政府通过不正当选举方式维护自己的权益,并对克拉恩民族的部落偏爱有加,国内反对派通过搜查和屠杀克拉恩人来表达反对,借机报复政府。部落间暴力升级引发国家内战,爱好和平的人士不得不远离故土。 六个利比里亚蒙罗维亚的传教士已经无法在祖国继续传教生活下去了,他们决定逃往邻国塞拉利昂的首都弗里敦。在逃离祖国的时候遭遇反对派暴力追杀。在当地教会领袖菲利普阿布巴卡尔(亨利·Adofo)的帮助下,传教士们充满信念乐观勇敢地踏上困难重重的旅程黑暗时代…… 基于真实事件改编,展示是一个令人激动、 鼓舞人心的希望和生存的故事。